
<#785#><#2384#>Rayshade<#2384#><#785#> supports the application of linear transformations to objects and textures. If more than one transformation is specified, the total resulting transformation is computed and applied.

<#1778#>translate<#1778#> #math189##tex2html_wrap_inline6146#
Translate (move) by <#789#>delta<#789#>.

<#1782#>rotate<#1782#> #math190##tex2html_wrap_inline6149# θ
Rotate counter-clockwise about the given axis by θ degrees.

<#1786#>scale<#1786#> #math191##tex2html_wrap_inline6154#
Scale by <#798#>v<#798#>.
All three scaling components must be non-zero, else degenerate matrices will result.

<#1790#>transform<#1790#> #math192##tex2html_wrap_inline6157# #math193##tex2html_wrap_inline6159# #math194##tex2html_wrap_inline6161# [#math195##tex2html_wrap_inline6163#]
Apply the given 3-by-3 transformation matrix. If given, <#806#>delta<#806#> specifies a translation vector.

Transformations should be specified in the order in which they are to be applied immediately following the item to be transformed. For example:


Transformations may also be applied to textures:


Note that transformation parameters may be specified using animated expressions, causing the transformations themselves to be animated. See Appendix B for further details.